Resume Scoring Guide                                                   
Students must score at least �meets standards� in each category to receive a grade for this project



10--9  = Exceeds Standards

8---7---6 = Meets Standards

5-4-3 = Needs Improvement

2-1 = Not Evident

Technical writing

- Uses correct grammar and spelling. 

- Successfully uses professional language. 

- Uses precise word choice to convey message in a clear and efficient manner

- No noticeable errors in punctuation

- Attempts using professional language. 

- Uses creative and professional word choice to describe work experience and objective 
- Document is free from spelling or grammar errors.

- Language could be made more professional

- Flow seems rigid; word choice needs improvement

- 3 or more errors in punctuation & English


- Poor grammar. 

- Multiple errors in the use of basic English are evident

- 5 or more errors in punctuation & English



- Form helps to communicate professional message

- No errors in resume format 

- Page is well aligned, balanced, neat, pleasing to eye

- Correct format for resume

- Different ideas are well separated into different sections

- Adequate details within each subsection


- One or more mistakes in correct resume format is made

- Little or no formatting used, item�s don�t stand out on page 
- Organization of paragraphs does not facilitate clarity

- Too much or too little on page

- Resume is messy, looks like a rough draft

- Bullets are not used or are used incorrectly


Overall Representation of the Student

- An upbeat, positive, motivated, confident, and capable personality shines through

- The resume is effective and leads to further networking possibilities

- Resume has all sections completed

- Adequate details provided for work/volunteer experience

- Objective is clear and used correct grammar.


- �Voice� lacks confidence

- Reader is left like this resume stemmed from a generic format, has no details to support accomplishments or interests

- Effort is not apparent. 

- It�s clear the writer does not take this correspondence seriously

Technology A1-5, B1-3, C- 1-3, D 1-3, E 1-5 & 7-8, Employability Standards A2, B1, A1, B3, B5, A5, A6, B2